HTB and Alpha
I arrived in London in 1997 and had the blessing of finding a church called Holy Trinity Brompton and going on a course called Alpha. HTB was led by Sandy and Annette Millar and the Alpha course was being run by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel (who took on the leadership of HTB when Sandy and Annette moved to St Mark’s Tollington Park).
What God has done in the church here (and all around the world) through these two couples and the core team around them is hard to overstate. They have brought the hope of Jesus Christ to millions of men and women, boys and girls, from every walk of life, every race , every educational background. In prisons, hospitals, schools and campuses, villages and cities, housing estates and country estates, people have been touched by the love of God through them. I am one of those people and I am forever grateful.
And if you would like to hear about the Alpha course, which is now on YouTube, take a look at this video below.