I’ve been blessed with the most amazing and loving family

Mum and Harry
Mum is the most devoted mother one could ever have the privilege to know as Mum. She is the epitome of self-sacrifice and unconditional love. I cannot think of a single occasion that she has ever put her needs before her children and she has certainly shown, throughout my life, the meaning of that beautiful […]

video diary of a year in the life of a beautiful English garden
I have had the total joy of looking forward every so often to Mum sharing a little unedited and personal video portrait of what she and Harry had been working on by way of a walk around the garden and chatting to Nicky and I about what was happening, whether it was new growth or […]

Nicky was born two years before me and has shown me the way every step of my life. I have always looked up to her. My life has been marked by big highs and big lows, plus too much self generated uncertainty and insecurity but Nicky’s character and love has been a constant stabilising influence […]

Fun with Imogen
I loved visiting the Lewis’ in Easter holidays 2014. It was the last time that I was able to run and so I love this photo with Imogen in the park behind their house, and reading stories with Imogen on the sofa.

Afternoon in Oxford with Mum
One added bonus of the loveliness of longborough is that it is only an hour away from Oxford. During a holiday with Harry and Mum, Mum and I spent a lovely summer afternoon visiting my favourite places in Oxford. Top of my list of places to go were always the river and New College gardens

Visiting Mum and Harry.
Christmas was always a special time too. This photo from Christmas 2017 was a very happy memory, enjoying the beautiful Carols from King’s College service on tv in front of a lovely fire.

Dad was an amazing high jumper. He won the AAA championship in Crystal Palace with a jump of 6’1” which was his own height. He did so in the days before Fosbury Flop was possible because one had to land in a sand pit!